Wedding Countdown!

Monday, February 21, 2011

July 7th, 2012!

So, we finally set our wedding date today with Father David at St. James Cathedral! Just a few forms to fill out, and a weekend marriage counseling course and we're good to go! Another benefit of us waiting a long time to get married is we sure do have our choice of dates! For some reason I really like 07/07/12...maybe because our dating anniversary is 06/07/04...something about the number 7...Hopefully we don't have 7 kids...

Next big to-do item: Get together our guest list so we have a rough estimate of how big of a venue we need!

The Cathedral Church of St. James, Anglican

The Cathedral Church of St. James, Anglican

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

For a Good (Wedding) Cause!

So, I just watched a video from one of my favourite youtube vloggers Lora, about her friend's friend who is trying to win a dream wedding. The couple getting married are both 21 like Patrick and I, but they've had to put it off due to his recent cancer diagnosis. There are so many couples everywhere in the world getting married, some fortunate, some not so fortunate. I am so happy that Patrick and I are both healthy and don't have to go through the struggles that this couple is going through. Please read their story and vote for them at to help them have a chance at a dream wedding!

Monday, February 7, 2011


My mom and dad's wedding photo from 1974. My mom was 18 and my dad was 21 :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

One of many parties to come!

Here are some photos from our Engagement/Housewarming party we had this summer! 

Bride and Groom (Eventually)
My sister Bronte and Kinsey
Amber and Giselle
Oliana, Dayna and I
Three Amigos! Me, Dayna, and Mark
Our good friends Mark and Dayna toasting us!
Me and Dayna
Bronte and I
Mark and I
The McQuarrie Brothers and friends!
Mark, and my future sister-in-law Carolyn
Some girls
Some guys
Giselle, Dayna and I
Amber, Jeff, Jason and Mike
My sister Annie, Olivia, and Troy

Engagement Photos

Here are some of our engagement photos taken in October 2009. We decided to do them downtown Toronto since that's where we would be living a few months later! Our photos were taken by amazing Toronto photographer Jeremy Clay!

In front of our home before it was finished!

Note: In the background is St. James Cathedral- the church we plan to get married in

This is the bench we got engaged on!

The future Mr. and Mrs. Tallon

My beautiful 18K White Gold diamond ring from Spence Diamonds! We picked it out together a few weeks before Patrick proposed. The diamonds are conflict free! 

This cute old man wanted to be in our picture. I believe his words were "No hanky-panky on Front Street!"

At the Hockey Hall of fame! 

Sexing it up!


We got engaged July 29, 2009!!!! We had picked out the ring together a few weeks before, but after work one night Patrick and I went on a date downtown where we made it official! 

Only engaged for a few hours!

Our changed relationship status on Facebook means it's official haha!

Our Wedding Blog

Well, it was no secret that everyone knew Patrick and I would one day get engaged. All through high school, we would tell people that's the plan and no one (besides our families) would really believe us. As we graduated high school and became adults people started to ask us "When are you getting engaged? Where is the ring?".  Finally on July 29th after 5 years and 2 months of dating and at the young age of 19, we finally made it official and decided to get engaged!

It is now February of 2011 and we are still not married. Once again, people are breathing down our necks asking "Why aren't you married yet?". The truth is- we would love to be married right now, but marriage is one thing and a wedding is another. Technically, we are married. We share the same home, and basically everything in it. We know everything about each other, we do everything together, and drive each other nuts. A wedding on the other hand is basically the Academy Awards for the average Joe. It is the biggest event of your life and it takes a lot, a lot, and did I say a lot? of PLANNING!!!

While Patrick totally has the capability of planning a wedding right now, I the female counterpart do not. It's a little thing called Humber College Film and Television Production. While I thought I would be able to have the time to plan a wedding for the Summer of 2011 (T minus 4 months from now), the final year of my program came as a shock and while I don't have time to breath and go to the bathroom, I also don't have time to plan my wedding.

At that, our wedding is going to take place next summer in July of 2012...which gives us 5 months of marriage before the world ends (Just kidding!).

In the mean time, I will be posting everything about our wedding plans as they happen up to my final post where we will post pictures from our honeymoon!

Thanks for reading, and see you at the wedding!
